Over the past few years the 70:20:10 model for development has captured the imagination of organisations across the world.
Some organisations apply 70:20:10 principles to targeted and specific development solutions. Others use it more strategically as a way to help them rethink and reposition their wider learning philosophies.
The 70:20:10 framework is a simple concept that has developed from work carried out by various researchers over the past half-century that suggests a one-dimensional focus on structured training and development – a rut that many organisations had fallen into – misses the opportunity to exploit learning and development where most of it happens, which is within the workflow.
A Reference Model, not a Recipe
It’s important to be aware that 70:20:10 is a reference model and not a recipe. The numbers are not a rigid formula. They simply remind us of the facts above – that the majority of learning and development comes through experiential and social learning in the workplace (the ‘70’ and ‘20’) rather than through formal classes and courses (the ‘10’). Of course structured and directed ‘formal’ learning can help, but it rarely, if ever, provides the complete answer.
If you acknowledge that high performers usually build their capabilities through experience, through practice and through utilising a rich network of support rather than exclusively (or even mainly) through structured training and development away from the workplace, then you will immediately grasp the 70:20:10 concept.
Why Have So Many Organisations Adopted 70:20:10?
One answer to this question lies in the fact that 70:20:10 offers an easily-understood scaffolding that can be readily adapted to re-focus development across a much wider canvas than that traditionally used by HR and Learning professionals.
Why is this important?
It’s important because research over the past 40 years at least has indicated that learning that occurs outside of formal classes and courses is not only more frequent but also generally more effective than its structured and ‘managed’ counterpart.
It’s also important because the 70:20:10 framework provides a way to integrate currently disparate development activities – such as leadership programmes, informal coaching and mentoring, and the extraction of learning from work through conversations, communities, sharing, reflective practice and other actions. It also provides a coherent framework to strategise workplace, social and structured learning activities.
High Performers
Although the 70:20:10 framework applies to all adult learning, it is particularly relevant when thinking about building a strategy to develop and support high performers.
Most organisations aspire to further develop their high performers, and to develop others to become high performers, as it is the high performing cadre that drives successful organisations.
Research by the Corporate Executive Board[1] suggests that ‘enterprise contributors’ (as it calls the small cadre of high performers) can increase organisational revenue and profits by as much as 12%. That often means the difference between success and failure.
A Profile of High Performers
If we look at a generic profile of a high performer through a 70:20:10 ‘lens’ the following is clear:
High performers have usually quickly mastered the basics. This was achieved often, but not always, using structured development approaches.
This is where the ‘10’ of formal learning and development through courses and programmes can help people new to an organisation or role get ‘up-to-speed’ quickly and efficiently.
They have spent hundreds of hours using practice, trial-and-error, and self-testing to hone their capabilities.
Some of this experiential learning and reflective practice may be structured (the ‘10’). Alternatively it may be part of the workflow (the ‘70’ and ‘20’)
They are embedded in their professional community both within and outside their organisation. They regularly share their expertise across their network and also call on colleagues as informal coaches and mentors when they need advice and help.
This vital part of any high performer’s arsenal sits firmly in the ‘20’ part of the framework
They have on-the-job performance support at fingertips. They know where to find the answers to the challenge-at-hand, whether it is via their own PKM (personal knowledge management) resources or simply by knowing who will be best able to help them.
Performance support comes in many forms. It may be embedded in workflow tools (where most of the ePSS tools and systems provide support), or be accessed through ‘others’ across the high performer’s network. As such, this element can sit in both the ‘20’ and ‘70’ parts of the framework
They have undertaken thousands of hours of experience and reflection, sometimes alone, sometimes with their manager and team, and sometimes with their professional network
These activities are critical for high performance. They all sit within the ‘70’ and ‘20’ domains of the framework
[1] http://www.executiveboard.com/blogs/todays-high-performer-is-like-a-bee/
Charles, I know how much work you have put into put into the Forum, it’s wonderful to see it go live and wish you every success.
Charles, congratulations on the launch of the Forum. I look forward to hearing more about it and to seeing its continued growth and success.
Maria, Ara – thank you both for the good wishes! We are working on a lot more content for the Forum with the aim for to it becoming the global hub for all things 70:20:10.
Hi Charles,
Where do you think knowledge gained by reading business books belong in this 70-20-10 learning and development model? What do you think is the role and rate of the corporate library ?
The original study by McCall et.al. and published in 'The Career Architect Development Planner' by Lombardo and Eichinger included 'courses and reading' in the '10'.
One could debate whether this is the right place for reading to sit. If the reading is 'directed' – part of a structured program or an agreed activity – then '10' is clearly the right categorisation. However, if the reading is simply something that's done to keep up to speed on new ideas and approaches as part of self-directed on-going development, then it probably sits in the '70'.
That said, reading is only a form of learning when ideas extracted are put into action. Otherwise it's just information.
The role of the corporate library? Very useful as a resource, but not if only in dead tree format.
Thank you for that reply.
Hope to obtain a copy of "The Career Architect Development Planner" to further read up on the traditional place given to "books, courses, reading" in the L&D Model.
I am relieved to hear that this research speaks to a more intuitive idea of the value of books and reading and I do think that reading has a place in the 70% part of the "learning" model.
When books are really being read as they should go beyond being only a source of information. Reading for understanding and reading for information are two different things so your distinction between reading for "Learning" and "information" is a reminder of what great theorists of learning, from Francis Bacon to Mortimer Adler, have championed.
Yes, I agree; A "book" is much more than just one of its manifestations (the "dead tree" format for books- a great phrase!) though, of course, I continue to remain a fan of old fashioned books. But I hope libraries survive and perhaps the only way for it to survive is to embrace evolving media that offer richer conceptions of what a book is.
In my previous post,in the last line, I meant to ask what you thought was the "fate" of the library
Thanks, again.
Delighted to see this site and its emphasis on the 70-20-10 learning model.
What is the role and place of books and reading in this 70-20-10 learning model? Do you think a corporate library plays a role in learning and performance according to this model and what do you think a corporate library of the future looks like?
Thanks for this post! I think 70-20-10 is a great model to force L&D professionals to think differently about their profession. What struck me is the picture of Federer, because when I link the model to tennis I think 70% of learning is through formal, structured training. The experience part is limited to matches and in the end all of this learning & training when looking at the top performers is only a foundation. The talent and mentality of the player is what makes the difference.
congratulations on the launch of the Forum.
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